Ingrown hair

Lots of people have a problem with ingrown hairs. Many people get them after shaving, plucking or waxing, particularly if they have very curly or coarse hair, although anyone can get them. You can also get them in areas where clothing constantly rubs across the skin, if you are prone to clogged pores or if you have certain medical conditions.

What exactly is an ingrown hair? It is when a hair curls back on itself and remains buried underneath the skin instead of emerging from a follicle. Sometimes, they can appear as a simple pimple while, other times, you can see a fully formed hair buried underneath the skin. Ingrown hairs can frequently form infected pustules or scarring if someone has a severe, chronic condition. Some people will pluck them, use a needle to lift them out of the skin or use a topical solution to try to prevent them, but these are all temporary solutions.

There are two main conditions associated with ingrown hairs, folliculitis, or inflammation of the hair follicle, and pseudofolliculitis barbae, otherwise known as razor bumps. The good news, is that electrolysis can be used to treat either condition. In fact, electrolysis was originally devised for treating folliculitis of an eyelash. Further, as medical conditions, your treatment may even be tax deductable (talk to your tax specialist for details).

Email us at or call all us at 585-270-5230 to get a free consultation on how to permanently resolve your hair removal problems.